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时间:2023-07-12来源: 国医名师网

曾小斌 博士,深圳市人民医院研究员、深圳市人民医院龙华分院中心实验室主任、暨南大学、南方科技大学、广东医科大学硕士生导师、博士后合作导师。 主要从事中药转化医学研究,采用多学科技术手段从传统中药中识别功能分子,揭示中药发挥药效的物质基础和作用机理,研发创新药物。申请人先后发表研究性 SCI 论文 70 余篇,论文总影响因子高达 383.1621 余次。其中,以第一或通讯作者(并列)在 Autophagy, Advanced Science, NatureCommunications, EMBO Molecular Medicine, Pharmacological Research, Acta Biomaterialia, Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, Biomedicine&Pharmacotherapy, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Biochemical Pharmacology, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Bioorganic Chemistry, Phytomedicine, Industrial Crops and Products 等期刊上发表SCI 论文65篇(总IF: 312.2361),JCR 1、2 区期刊 41 篇(仅统计第一或通讯作者),32 篇Top期刊代表性研究论文,1 篇封面论文,2 篇 ESI 高被引论文;论文被TrendsinGenetics, Nature Communications, Chem, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 等顶级期刊总引用 1751 余次,相关研究成果被美国科学促进会旗下EurekAlert新闻报道,受邀在 Frontiers in Immunology (IF = 8.7864), FrontiersinMicrobiology (IF = 6.0644), Frontiers in Pharmacology (IF = 5.9879)做相关领域特刊 2 次。申请专利 29 项(包括 28 项国家发明专利),14 项国家发明专利已获授权,9 项国家发明专利进入一审阶段,2 项国家发明专利进入实质审查阶段。成果先后获得 2022 年中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖、2022 年度中国民族医药学会药物创新二等奖及 2022 年湖北省科技进步三等奖。先后主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金一等资助、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金一方制药联合基金、广东省自然科学基金基础研究项目、深圳市基础研究-自由探索项目、华润三九医药股份有限公司横向项目等 24 余项,以及参与国家级、省部级等项目 8 项。兼任中国民族医药学会理事、广东省中药质量控制与标准研究专业委员会委员、深圳市生物医药促进会常务理事、深圳市药学会药学史专业委员会副主任委员、深圳市药理研究与转化应用专委会秘书长;现任FrontiersinImmunology (IF = 8.7864), Frontiers in Microbiology (IF = 6.0644)特刊审稿编委;Frontiers in Pharmacology (IF = 5.9879)特刊副主编;Evidence-BasedComplementary and Alternative Medicine (IF = 2.6298), Future Integrative Medicine, Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology, Current ChineseScience, 新发传染病电子版杂志学术编委;中国医院用药评价与分析杂志、ActaMateria Medica 青年编委;Phytomedicine, Planta Medica 等中药领域十余种SCI 期刊长期审稿专家;以及国家自然科学基金一审专家、广东省自然科学基金重点项目评审专家、深圳市可持续发展科技专项评审专家、深圳市人民医院生物安全委员会委员等。 主要承担科研项目 1) 国家自然科学基金,81503221、岭南中药蒲葵抑制细胞自噬协同化疗预防癌症骨转移的药效物质基础及机制研究、2016/01-2018/12、21.6 万元、项目负责人。2) 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金一方制药联合基金,2021A1515220185、四味清肝汤配方颗 粒 治 疗 非 酒 精 性 脂 肪 性 肝 炎 的 药 效 物 质 基 础 、 药 代 动 力 学及作用机制研究、2022/01-2024/12、40 万元,项目负责人。 3) 中国博士后基金一等资助,2015M570729、蒲葵协同紫杉醇预防癌症骨转移的药效物质基础研究、2015/06-2016/08、8 万元、项目负责人。 4) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2017A030313659、从药食同源侧柏二萜中筛选TTK蛋白激酶抑制剂及其抗肝细胞癌机制研究、2018/01- 2020/ 12、10 万元、项目负责人。5) 广东省自然科学基金-博士启动,2014A030310365、蒲葵籽苯并呋喃诱导DNA 损伤和抑制PARP 活性致耐药肿瘤细胞凋亡及作用机制研究、2015/01- 2018/ 01、10 万元、项目负责人。 6) 深圳市科技开发项目,CXZZ20150402104158173、多靶点中药验方治疗2 型糖尿病的技术研发、2015/06-2017/06、150 万元、项目负责人。 7) 深圳市战略新兴产业发展专项资金,JCYJ20140419122040615、蒲葵苯并呋喃诱导DNA损伤和抑制 PARP 活性致耐药肿瘤细胞凋亡及机制研究、2014/12- 2016/12、30 万元、项目负责人。 8) 深圳市战略新兴产业发展专项资金,JCYJ20170307095556333、新疆紫草混源萜协同紫杉醇预防癌症骨转移的药效物质基础及作用机制研究、2017/06- 2020/05、30 万元、项目负责人。 9) 深圳市学科布局项目,基 20170318 二萜类化合物抑制 TTK 蛋白激酶及其抗肝癌机制研究,JCYJ20170413093108233、2017/07-2020/06、130 万元、项目负责人。10)深 圳 市 基 础 研 究 重 点 项 目 , 基 20220236 肝 癌 索 拉 非 尼 耐 药筛选和机制研究,JCYJ20220818102609021、2022/10-2025/10、200 万元、项目负责人。11)广东省中医药管理局建设强省立项资助科研项目,20141149、蒲葵籽苯并呋喃诱导DNA损伤和抑制 PARP 活性诱导耐药肿瘤细胞凋亡的研究、2014/11- 2016/ 11、1 万元、项目负责人。 12)广东医学院博士启动项目,2XB13002、高良姜地上部分防癌抗癌活性成分及其作用机制研究、2013/01-2015/06、10 万元、项目负责人。 13)国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目,201310571018、绿茶茶多酚对抗骨质疏松的作用、2013/06-2015/06、0.5 万元、导师负责人。 14)广东省大学生创新创业训练计划项目,1057113004、绿茶茶多酚对抗骨质疏松的作用、2013/06-2015/06、0.5 万元、导师负责人。 15)广东医学院大学生创新创业训练计划项目,LYZF007、绿茶茶多酚对抗骨质疏松的作用、2013/06-2015/06、0.15 万元、导师负责人。 16)广东省登峰计划深圳市人民医院杰出人才培养团队、肝病综合诊治杰出青年培养团队、2018/10-2021/10、1200 万元、团队负责人。 17)罗湖区科技局深圳市学科布局项目配套、项目名称:二萜类化合物抑制TTK 蛋白激酶及其抗肝癌机制研究、项目经费:35 万元、项目负责人。 18)深圳市人民医院广东省自然科学基金配套、项目名称:从药食同源侧柏二萜中筛选TTK蛋白激酶抑制剂及其抗肝细胞癌机制研究、项目经费:30 万元、项目负责人。19)华润三九医药股份有限公司合作项目、项目名称:茵栀黄口服液对 G6PD 缺乏性溶血的作用及药效物质基础研究、项目经费:15 万元、项目负责人。 20)华润三九医药股份有限公司合作项目、项目名称:瘀血痹治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(神经疼痛)的可行性药效研究、项目经费:25 万元、项目负责人。 21)华润三九医药股份有限公司合作项目、项目名称:经典名方济川煎挥发性成分对治疗便秘的作用及药效学研究、项目经费:20 万元、项目负责人。 22)华润三九医药股份有限公司合作项目,4403012022004187、瘀血痹片及其组方单味药样品的化学成分检测服务合同、2022/06 - 2023/02、5.14285 万元、项目负责人。23)华润三九医药股份有限公司合作项目,4403012022008127、芍药甘草汤治疗肠易激综合征药效及作用机制研究、2022/08 - 2024/08、40 万元、项目负责人。 24)华润三九医药股份有限公司合作项目,4403012022008127、桃红四物汤在活血化瘀方面的可行性药效研究、2022/10 - 2023/06、40 万元、项目负责人。 主要发表论文 1) Jie Yao # , Shuming Tang # , Chenyan Shi, Yunzhi Lin, Lanlan Ge, Qinghua Chen, Baoru Ou, Dongyu Liu, Yuyang Miao, Qiujie Xie, Xudong Tang, Jia Fei, Guangyi Yang, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Isoginkgetin, a Potential CDK6 Inhibitor, Suppresses GLUT1 Enhancer Activity to Induce AMPK-ULK1-Mediated Cytotoxic Autophagy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Autophagy. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/15548627.2022.2119353. (IF: 16.1425). 2) Yang Wang # , Yunfei Yi# , Jie Yao, Haoqiang Wan, Mian Yu, Lanlan Ge, Xiaobin Zeng*, Meiying Wu*, Lin Mei*. Isoginkgetin Synergizes with Doxorubicin for Robust Co-delivery toInduce Autophagic Cell Death in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Acta Biomaterialia. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2022.09.035. (IF: 10.6335). 3) Hsiang-i Tsai# , Zeng Xiaobin # , Liu Longshan # , Xin Shengchang, Wu Yingyi, Xu Zhanxue, Huanxi Zhang, Gan Liu, Zirong Bi, Dandan Su, Min Yang, Yijing Tao, Changxi Wang, JingZhao, John E Eriksson, Deng Wenbin*, Cheng Fang*, Chen Hongbo*. The NF45/NF90heterodimer mediates ribosomal DNA transcription and contributes to T cell activation. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2021, 13, e12834. (JCR 1 区, IF: 14.2605, 被引用3 次). 4) Lingyun Xiao, Jie Yao, Yuyang Miao, Baoru Ou, Jie Wang, Yongqi Huang, Boping Zhou, Lanlan Ge*, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Tubuloside B, isolated from Cistanche tubulosa, apromising agent against M1 macrophage activation via synergistically targeting Mob1 andERK1/2. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2022, 153, 113414. (IF: 7.419) 5) Haoqiang Wan, Yi Cai, Lingyun Xiao, Yunzhi Ling, Lanlan Ge, Siwei Mo, Qiujie Xie, Shusong Peng, Boping Zhou*, Xiaobin Zeng*, Xinchun Chen*. JFD, a Novel Natural Inhibitor of Keap1 Alkylation, Suppresses Intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis Growththrough Keap1/Nrf2/SOD2-Mediated ROS Accumulation. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2023, 6726654. (Acceptted, IF: 7.310). 6) Nian-Hong Chen*, Qiaoqiao Zheng, Guoqing Wan, Feng Guo, Xiaobin Zeng*, Ping Shi*. Impact of Posttranslational Modifications in Pancreatic Carcinogenesis and Treatments. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews. 2021, 40, 739-759. (IF = 9.264, 被引用1 次) 7) Xiaobin Zeng # , Chengxiao Liu # , Jie Yao, Haoqiang Wan, Guoqing Wan, Yingpeng Li*, Nianhong Chen*. Breast cancer stem cell, heterogeneity, targeting therapies andtherapeutic implication. Pharmacological Research, 2021, 163, 105320. (JCR 1 区, IF=10.334, 被引用 34 次) 8) Yong Kang, Na Kong, Meitong Ou, Ying Wang, Qicai Xiao, Lin Mei, Bing Liu, Liqun Chen*, Xiaobin Zeng*, Xiaoyuan Ji*. A novel cascaded energy conversion systeminducingefficient and precise cancer therapy. Bioactive Materials. 2023, 20, 663-676. (IF: 16.874). 9) Xiaoyuan Ji, Yong Kang, Jiang Ouyang, Yunhan Chen, Dolev Artzi, Xiaobin Zeng*, YulingXiao, Chan Feng, Baowen Qi, Na Yoon Kim, Phei Er Saw, Na Kong, Omid C. Farokhzad*, Wei Tao*. Synthesis of Ultrathin Biotite Nanosheets as an Intelligent Theranostic Platformfor Combination Cancer Therapy. Advanced Science. 2019, 6, 1901211. DOI:10.1002/advs.201901211. (JCR 1 区, IF: 15.840, 被引用 112 次). 10)Xiaoyuan Ji, Lanlan Ge, Chuang Liu, Zhongmin Tang, Yufen Xiao, Wei Chen, Zhouyue Lei, Wei Gao, Sara Blake, Diba De, Bingyang Shi, Xiaobin Zeng*, Na Kong*, Xingcai Zhang*, Wei Tao*. Capturing functional two-dimensional nanosheets from sandwich-structurevermiculite for cancer theranostics. Nature Communications. 2021, 12, 1124. https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41467-021-21436-5 (JCR 1 区, IF: 17.6939, 被引用124 次). 11) Lanlan Ge, Qiujie Xie, Xiaofang Wei, Yangfang Li, Wanying Shen, Yunguang Hu, Jie Yao, Shuling Wang, Xiao Du*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Five undescribed plant-derived bisphenols fromArtemisia capillaris aerial parts: Structure elucidation, anti-hepatoma activities andplausible biogenetic pathway. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2023, 104580. (JCR2 区, IF: 6.212). 12)Nianhong Chen*, Guoqing Wan, Xiaobin Zeng*. Integrated whole-transcriptome profilingand bioinformatics analysis of the polypharmacological effects of ganoderic acid Meincolorectal cancer treatment. Frontiers in Oncology. 2022. 12, 833375. (JCR 1 区, IF=6.2437) 13)Lanlan Ge, Qiujie Xie, Yuanyuan Jiang, Lingyun Xiao, Haoqiang Wan, Boping Zhou, ShipinWu, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Genus Lonicera: New drug discovery from traditional usageto modern chemical and pharmacological research. Phytomedicine. 2022, 96, 153889. (JCR 2 区, IF:6.656, 被引用 2 次). 14)Lei Chen, Su Qu, Kunlong Yang, Man Liu, Yong-xin Li, Nancy Pulane Keller*, XiaobinZeng*, Jun Tian*. Perillaldehyde: a promising antifungal agent applied in vitro against Candida albicans and in vivo treat oropharyngeal candidiasis. Biochemical Pharmacology, 2020, 180, 114201. (JCR 1 区, IF: 5.858, 被引用 8 次). 15)Lanlan Ge, Lingyun Xiao, Haoqiang Wan, Jiemei Li, Kongpeng Lv, Shusong Peng, BopingZhou, Tiyuan Li*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Chemical constituents from Lonicera japonica flower buds and their anti-hepatoma and anti-HBV activities. Bioorganic Chemistry. 2019, 92, 103198 (JCR 1 区, IF: 4.831, 被引用 23 次). 16)Xiaobin Zeng #,*, Jun Tian # , Kangyong Cai, Xin Wu, Yang Wang, Yayuan Zheng, Yanjie Su, Liao Cui*. Promoting osteoblast differentiation by the flavanes from Huangshan Maofengtea is linked to a reduction of oxidative stress. Phytomedicine. 21, 217-224, 2014. (JCR1区,IF: 3.268,被引用 24 次). 17) Jun Tian #,*, Xiaobin Zeng # , Shu Zhang # , Yanzhen Wang, Peng Zhang, Aijun Lu, XuePeng*. Regional variation in components and antioxidant and antifungal activities of Perillafrutescens essential oils in China. Industrial Crops and Products. 59, 69-79, 2014. (JCR1区,IF: 3.449,被引用 71 次). 18) Jun Tian #,*, Xiaobin Zeng # , Zhaozhong Feng, Xiangmin Miao, Xue Peng, Youwei Wang*. Zanthoxylum molle Rehd. Essential oil as a potential natural preservative in management of Aspergillus flavus. Industrial Crops and Products. 60, 151-159, 2014. (JCR 1 区,IF: 3.449,被引用 53 次). 19)Lanlan Ge # , Jiemei Li# , Haoqiang Wan, Keda Zhang, Weigang Wu, Xiaoting Zou, ShipingWu, Boping Zhou, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Novel flavonoids from Lonicera japonicaflower buds and validation of their anti-hepatoma and hepatoprotective activity in vitrostudies. Industrial Crops and Products. 2018, 125, 114-122. (JCR 1 区, IF: 4.244, 被引用28 次). 20)Haoqiang Wan † , Lanlan Ge † , Jiemei Li, Keda Zhang, Weigang Wu, Shusong Peng, Xiaoting Zou, Huirong Zhou, Shuling Qiu, Boping Zhou*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Effects of a novel biflavonoid of Lonicera japonica flower buds on modulating apoptosis under different oxidative conditions in hepatoma cells. Phytomedicine. 2019, 57, 282-291. (JCR1 区, IF: 4.268, 被引用 17 次). 21)Lingyun Xiao # , Shu Liang # , Lanlan Ge # , Haoqiang Wan, Weigang Wu, Jia Fei, Shipin Wu, Boping Zhou*, Xiaobin Zeng*. 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid methyl ester isolated fromL. japonica Thunb. targets Keap1/Nrf2 pathway to attenuate H2O2-induced liver oxidativedamage in HepG2 cells. Phytomedicine. 2020, 70, 153219. (JCR 1 区, IF: 5.340, 被引用6次). 22)Haoqiang Wan # , Lanlan Ge # , Lingyun Xiao, Jiemei Li, Weigang Wu, Shusong Peng, JianHuang*, Boping Zhou*, Xiaobin Zeng*. 3,4,5-Tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid methyl ester isolated from Lonicera japonica Thunb. flower buds facilitates hepatitis B virus replicationinHepG2.2.15 cells. Food and chemical toxicology. 2020, 138, 111250. (JCR 1 区, IF: 6.023, 被引用 6 次). 23)Hsiang-i Tsai*, Xiaobin Zeng*, Longshan Liu*, Shengchang Xin, Yingyi Wu, Zhanxue Xu, Gan Liu, Zirong Bi, Dandan Su, Min Yang, Changxi Wang, Jing Zhao, John E. Eriksson, Wenbin Deng # , Fang Cheng # , Hongbo Chen # . NF45/NF90-mediated rDNA transcriptionprovides a novel target for immunosuppressant development. BioRxiv. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.26.116897. 24)Bohua Long # , Cheng Tao # , Yinghong Li, Xiaobin Zeng*, Meiqun Cao*, Zhengzhi Wu*. Concise and Efficient Total Synthesis of Tubulysin U and N14 -DesacetoxytubulysinH. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2020, 18, 5349. (JCR 2 区, IF: 3.876, 被引用3 次). 25)Lingyun Xiao # , Shu Liang # , Lanlan Ge, Shuling Qiu, Haoqiang Wan, Shipin Wu, Jia Fei, Shusong Peng*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Si-Wei-Qing-Gan-Tang improves NASH by modulatingthe NF-κB signal pathway and autophagy in MCD diet-fed rats. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2020, 11, 530. (JCR 2 区, IF: 5.810, 被引用 7 次). 26) Jinle Lin # , Jiemei Li# , Min Shu # , Weigang Wu, Wenwu Zhang, Qingli Dou, Jian Wu, XiaobinZeng*. rCC16 protein protects against LPS-induced cell apoptosis and inflammatoryresponse in human lung pneumocyte cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2020, 11, 1060. (IF: 5.810, JCR: 2 区, 被引用 8 次). 27)Yongxin Li# , Chi Zhang # , Shenyuan Pan, Lei Chen, Man Liu, Kunlong Yang, Xiaobin Zeng*, Jun Tian*. Analysis of chemical components and biological activities of essential oils fromblack and white pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in five provinces of southern China. LWT-FoodScience and Technology. 2020, 117, 108644. (JCR 2 区, IF: 4.952, 被引用39 次). 28)Hongbo Chen # , Xiaobin Zeng # (并列第一作者), Chunmei Gao # , Pinghong Ming, JianpingZhang, Caiping Guo, Lanzhen Zhou, Yin Lu, Lijun Wang, Laiqiang Huang*, Xiangjiu He*, Lin Mei*. A novel arylbenzofuran derivative functions as an anti-tumor agent via inducingDNA damage and inhibiting PARP activity. Scientific Reports. 2015, 10893, 1-15. (JCR2区,IF: 5.578,被引用 26 次). 29) Jun Tian #,*, Xiaobin Zeng # (并列第一作者), Aijun Lu, Aihua Zhu, Xue Peng*, Youwei Wang*. Perillaldehyde, a Potential Preservative Agent in Foods: Assessment of Antifungal Activityagainst Microbial Spoilage of Cherry Tomatoes. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 60, 63-70, 2015. (JCR 2 区,IF: 2.468,被引用 41 次). 30)Yanzhen Wang # , Xiaobin Zeng # ( 并 列 第 一 作 者 ), Zhengkun Zhou, Xing Ke, AkalateTessema, Zeng Hong*, Jun Tian*. Inhibitory effect of nerol against Aspergillus niger ongrapes through a membrane lesion mechanism. Food Control. 55, 54-61, 2015. (JCR1区, IF: 4.258,被引用 38 次). 31)Keda Zhang # , Xiaobin Zeng # (并列第一作者), Yonggang Chen, Rong Zhao, Hui Wang, Jinhu Wu*. Therapeutic effects of Qian-Yu decoction and its three extracts oncarrageenan-induced chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome in rats. BMCComplementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017, 75, 1-11. (JCR 2 区, IF: 2.833, 被引用24次). 32)Xinliang Sun # , Hongbo Chen #,*, Zaian Deng, Bo Hu, Hui Luo, Xiaobin Zeng, Liqiao Han, Guoping Cai*, Lan Ma*. The Warsaw Breakage Syndrome-related protein DDX11isrequired for ribosomal RNA synthesis and embryonic development. Human Molecular Genetics. 2015, 24(17): 4901. (JCR 2 区, IF: 6.677,被引用 25 次). 33)Wei Cao, Xiaowei Zeng, Gan Liu, Zhen Li, Xiaobin Zeng, Lijun Wang, Laiqiang Huang, Sishen Feng, Lin Mei*. Porphine functionalized nanoparticles of star-shapedpoly(ε-caprolactone)-b-D-α-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate biodegradablecopolymer for chemophotodynamic therapy on cervical cancer. Acta Biomaterialia. 26, 145-158, 2015. (JCR 2 区, IF: 5.68,被引用 28 次). 34)Tian J*., Pan C., Zhang M., Gan Y.Y., Pan S.Y., Liu M., Li Y.X., Zeng XB. Pro-apoptoticactivity of a natural organic compound, perillaldehyde, induces cell death in Ceratocystis fimbriata through Ca 2+ overload and accumulation of ROS. Plant Pathology. 2019, 68, 344-357. (JCR 2 区, IF: 2.493,被引用 13 次). 35)Xiaobin Zeng*, Jun Tian, Liao Cui, Yang Wang, Yanjie Su, Xin Zhou, Xiangjiu He*. Thephenolics from the roots of Livistona chinensis show antioxidative and obsteoblast differentiation promoting activity. Molecules. 19(1), 263-278, 2014. (JCR 3 区,IF: 2.095,被引用 7 次). 36)Xiaobin Zeng, Xin Zhou, Liao Cui, Decheng Liu, Kefeng Wu, Wende Li*, Ren Huang. Thefruits of wampee inhibit H2O2-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells via NF-κB pathway andregulation of cellular redox status. Molecules. 19(6), 7368-7387, 2014. (JCR 3 区,IF: 2.095,被引用 18 次). 37)Xin Wu, Hongbo Liao, Guoqiang Li, Yi Liu, Liao Cui, Kefeng Wu, Xiaohui Zhu*, XiaobinZeng*. Cytotoxic rotenoid glycosides from the seeds of Amorpha fruticosa. Fitoterapia. 100, 75-80, 2015. (JCR 3 区,IF: 2.216,被引用 23 次). 38)Xiaobin Zeng #,*, Hai Wang # , Zhongqing Gong, Jinghui Huang, Weijing Pei, Xueyan Wang, Jingzhao Zhang, Xudong Tang*. Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic phenolics and phenolicglycosides from Sargentodoxa cuneata. Fitoterapia. 101, 153-161, 2015. (JCR3 区,IF: 2.216,被引用 33 次). 39)Xiangjiu He*, Yihai Wang, Hui Hu, Yixuan Wu, Xiaobin Zeng. Novel bioconversionproducts of andrographolide by Aspergillus ochraceus and their cytotoxic activities against human tumor cell lines. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 68(1), 89-93, 2011. (JCR 3 区,IF: 2.735,被引用 15 次). 40)Xiangjiu He*, Xiaobin Zeng, Hui Hu, Yixuan Wu. Cytotoxic biotransformed products fromandrographolide by Rhizopus stolonifer ATCC 12939. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 62(3), 242-247, 2010. (First author is my supervisor,JCR 3 区,IF: 2.735,被引用 26 次). 41)Xiaobin Zeng # , Zhefeng Wang # , Xiangli Liu, Ming Chen, Alfred Fahr, Keda Zhang. Predicting skin-permeating components of externally-applied medicinal herbs: Anapplication of a newly constructed linear free-energy relationship equation for human skinpermeation. New Journal of Chemistry. 2018, 42, 11930-11943. (JCR 3 区, IF: 3.288,被引用 2 次). 42)Haoqiang Wan # , Jiemei Li# , Keda Zhang # , Xiaoting Zou, Lanlan Ge, Fuqiang Zhu, HuirongZhou, Minna Gong, Tianwa Wang, Dongling Chen, Shusong Peng*, Boping Zhou* , Xiaobin Zeng*. A new meroterpenoid functions as an anti-tumour agent in hepatoma cellsby downregulating mTOR activation and inhibiting EMT. Scientific reports. 2018, 8, 13152. (JCR 3 区,IF: 4.259,被引用 15 次). 43)Yuzhen Zhu # , Yu Zhong # , Xun Long # , Zhu Zhu, Yu Zhou, Hua Ye, Xiaobin Zeng*, XuebaoZheng*. Deoxyshikonin isolated from Arnebia euchroma inhibited colorectal cancer bydown-regulating PI3K/ Akt/mTOR pathway. Pharmaceutical biology. 2019. 57, 412-423(JCR 3 区, IF: 3.503,被引用 18 次). 44)Lanlan Ge ‡ , Haoqiang Wan ‡ , Shuming Tang, Haixia Chen, Jiemei Li, Keda Zhang, BopingZhou, Jia Fei, Shiping Wu*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Novel Caffeoylquinic Acid Derivatives fromLonicera japonica Thunb. Flower Buds Exert Pronounced Anti-HBV Activities. RSCAdvances. 2018, 8, 35374-35385. (JCR 3 区, IF: 3.119, 被引用 28 次). 45)Kehuan Sun # , Cheng Tao # , Bohua Long*, Xiaobin Zeng*, Zhengzhi Wu*, Ronghua Zhang*. Highly Stereoselective Gram Scale Synthesis of All the Four Diastereoisomers of Boc-protected 4-Methylproline Carboxylates. RSC Advances. 2019, 9, 32017. (JCR3 区, IF: 3.119, 被引用 5 次). 46)Yang Wang # , Yuzhen Zhu # , Lingyun Xiao # , Lanlan Ge, Xin Wu, Weigang Wu, HaoqiangWan, Keda Zhang, Jiemei Li, Boping Zhou, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Meroterpenoidsisolated from Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnst. and their cytotoxic activity in humanhepatocellular carcinoma cells. Fitoterapia. 2018, 131, 236-244. (JCR 3 区, IF: 2.642, 被引用 16 次). 47)Xiaobin Zeng, Qian Qiu, Chenguang Jiang, Yuntiao Jing, Guofu Qiu, Xiangjiu He*. Antioxidant flavanes from Livistona chinensis. Fitoterapia. 82(4), 609-614, 2011. (JCR4区,IF: 2.231,被引用 31 次). 48)Xiaobin Zeng, Yihai Wang, Qian Qiu, Chenguang Jiang, Yuntiao Jing, Guofu Qiu, XiangjiuHe*. Bioactive phenolics from the fruits of Livistona chinensis. Fitoterapia. 83(1), 104-109, 2012. (JCR 4 区,IF: 2.231,被引用 46 次). 49)Xiaobin Zeng, Limin Xiang, Chenyang Li, Yihai Wang, Guofu Qiu, Zhenxue Zhang, Xiangjiu He*. Cytotoxic ceramides and glycerides from the roots of Livistona chinensis. Fitoterapia. 83(3), 609-616, 2012. (JCR 4 区,IF: 2.231,被引用 20 次). 50) Jinhan Guo # , Shuming Tang # , Yuyang Miao # , Lanlan Ge, Junfa Xu*, Xiaobin Zeng*. TheAnti-inflammatory Effects of Lignan Glycosides from Cistanche tubulosa stems onLPS/IFN-γ-induced RAW264.7 Macrophage Cells via PI3K/AKT Pathway. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 21, 1, 2020. (JCR 4 区,IF: 2.097,被引用8 次). 51)Xiaobin Zeng, Chenyang Li, Hai Wang, Qian Qiu, Guofu Qiu, Xiangjiu He*. Unusual lipidsand acylglucosylsterols from the roots of Livistona chinensis. Phytochemistry letter. 6(1), 36-40, 2013. (JCR 4 区,IF: 1.542,被引用 8 次). 52) Jun Tian #,*, Xiaobin Zeng # (并列第一作者), Hong Zeng, Zhaozhong Feng, Xiangmin Miao, Xue Peng*. Investigations on the antifungal effect of nerol against Aspergillus flavuscausing food spoilage. The scientific world journal. 230795, 1-8, 2013. (JCR 4 区,IF: 1.219,被引用 22 次). 53)Yayuan Zheng # , Jin Li# , Jingkai Wu, Yongjie Yu, Weimin Yao, Manru Zhou, Jun Tian, Jingjing Zhang, Liao Cui, Xiaobin Zeng*, Yuyu Liu*. Tetrahydroxystilbene glucosideisolated from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. demonstrates osteogenic differentiationpromoting activity. Experimental and therapeutic medicine. 2017, 4915, 1-8. (JCR4 区, IF: 1.420,被引用 11 次). 54)Weigang Wu # , Caiyan Liu # , Fang Huang # , Huaying Li, Yuting Wang, Ding Hong, Shi Wang*, Xiaobin Zeng*. A simple and Novel Electroanalytical Method for Determination of BrainSerotonin Based on the MWNTs/Al2O3/chitosan SPE. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 2018, 13, 7129- 7140. (JCR 4 区, IF: 1.369, 被引用 6 次). 55) Jinle Lin # , Jun Tian # , Li Wang, Weigang Wu, Huaying Li, Xueyan Wang, Xiaobin Zeng*, Wenwu Zhang*. Apoptosis and surfactant protein-C expression inhibition induced bylipopolysaccharide in AEC II cell may associate with NF-κB pathway. Journal of toxicological sciences. 2017, 42, 53-61. (JCR 4 区, IF: 1.893, 被引用9 次). 56)Yuzhen Zhu † , Yu Zhong † , Yu Zhou, Yanyan Liu, Qionglin Huang, Zhe Huang, Yongcun Wang, Hua Ye, Xiaobin Zeng*, Xuebao Zheng*. Acetylshikonin inhibits colorectal cancer growth via PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. Chinese Medicine. 2018, 9, 126-143. (JCR4 区, IF: 2.265, 被引用 3 次). 57)Lanlan Ge, Jiemei Li, Haoqiang Wan, Keda Zhang, Weigang Wu, Xiaoting Zou, Shiping Wu, Boping Zhou, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. NMR data for novel flavonoids fromLonicerajaponica flower buds. Data in Brief. 2018, 21, 2192-2207. 58)Yang Wang # , Yuzhen Zhu # , Lingyun Xiao # , Lanlan Ge, Xin Wu, Weigang Wu, HaoqiangWan, Keda Zhang, Jiemei Li, Boping Zhou, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. 1H and 13C-NMRData for novel meroterpenoids isolated from Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnst. DatainBrief. 2019, 24, 103908. 59)Xiaobin Zeng #,*, Hongbo Chen # , Jun Tian*, Yang Wang, Liao Cui, Xueyan Wang. TheEffective Activation of Apoptosis By AO-95 from the Aerial Part of Alpiniae officinaruminA549 Cell Line. Health Informatics. 2, 307-317, 2014. (IF: 0). 60)Yang Wang # , Ji Chen # , Keda Zhang, Weigang Wu, Lanlan Ge, Haoqiang Wan, Jiemei Li, Jun Tian*, Xiaobin Zeng*. Composition, apoptosis inducing and anti-osteoporosisactivities of the essential oil from the aerial part of Alpiniae officinarum. Chinese Medicine. 2018, 9, 144-164. (JCR 4 区, IF: 2.265). 61)Xiangjiu He*, Hui Hu, Yixuan Wu, Xiaobin Zeng. Urinary metabolites of cinobufagin in ratsand their antiproliferative activities. Natural product research: formerly Natural product letters. 26(6), 489-499, 2012. (JCR 4 区, IF: 1.225,被引用 6 次). 62)Xin Wu # , Hongbo Liao # , Xiaohui Zhu, Hongyu Lu, Xiaobin Zeng, Liao Cui, Xiaohua Lv, Yanqun Li, Chaohua Zhang*. Two new dammarnae triterpenes from the leaves of Ceriopstagal. Records of natural products. 2016, 10, 628-632. (JCR 4 区, IF: 0.868,被引用4 次). 63)Qiu SL, Wu X, Liao HB, Zeng XB, Zhang SW, Lu XF, He XH, Zhang XQ, Ye WC, WuH, Zhu XH. Pteisolic acid G, a novel ent-kaurane diterpenoid, inhibits viability and inducesapoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cells. Oncology Letters. 2017, 14, 5540-5548. (JCR 4 区, IF: 1.664, 被引用 5 次). 64)Na Kong*, Li Ding, Xiaobin Zeng, Junqing Wang, Wenliang Li, Sanjun Shi, Silvia Tian Gan, Xianbing Zhu*, Wei Tao, Xiaoyuan Ji*. Comprehensive insights into intracellular fateof WS2 nanosheets for enhanced photothermal therapeutic outcomes via exocytosisinhibition. Nanophotonics. 2019, 8, 2331-2346. (IF: 7.491, JCR 2 区, 被引用9 次). 65)Chaoying Fu, Jiri Miksatko, Lea Assies, Vladimir Vrkoslav, Silvia Orlandi, Martin Kalbacc, Petr Kovaricek, Xiaobin Zeng, Boping Zhou*, Luca Muccioli*, Dmitrii F. Perepichka*, Emanuele Orgiu*. Surface-Confined Macrocyclization via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry. ACS Nano. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano. 9b07671. (IF: 15.881, JCR 1 区, 被引用3 次). 66)Keda Zhang #*, Wanyang Sun # , Alfred Fahr, Xiaobin Zeng, Lanlan Ge, Ming Chen*, Lingzhi Yang, Shipin Wu, Jia Fei, Boping Zhou. Skin-permeating components of Lonicera japonicaflos: a comprehensive study from observations and model computations. New J. Chem., 2019,43, 12538-12547. (IF: 3.288) 67)Sifan Lyu, Yunshuo Zhao, Xiao Zeng, Xiaotong Chen, Qingqing Meng, Zhe Ding, Wenshan Zhao, Yuanming Qi, Yanfeng Gao, Jiangfeng Du. Identification of Phelligridin-Based Compounds as Novel Human CD73 Inhibitors. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2021, 61, 3, 1275-1286. (IF: 6.162) 68)殷永佳, 周满如, 李近, 郑雅元, 陈文双, 曾小斌, 刘钰瑜. 何首乌 50%乙醇洗脱部位中单体化合物的分离及纯化. 广东医学院学报. 2015, 22(1), 45-48. 69)Shipin Chen, Qiujie Xie, Ming Yang, Yajun Shi, Junhui Shi, Xiaobin Zeng*. Scutellariabaicalensis Extract-Phospholipid Complex: Preparation and Initial PharmacodynamicsResearch in Rats. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 2022, 23, 847-860. (IF: 2.829) 70)Guoqing Wan # , Zheyu Fan # , Dan-Dan Zhai# , Liying Jiang, Shengli Xia, Xuefeng Gu, Changlian Lu, Ping Shi, Xiaobin Zeng, Jihong Meng,* Nianhong Chen*. TranscriptomicProfiling of Ganoderic Acid Me-Mediated Prevention of Sendai Virus Infection. Current Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.2174/1574893617666220426134011. 71)Yang Wang # , Ji Chen # , Jun Tian, Yihai Wang, Zhengang Zha, Xiaobin Zeng*. Editorial: Medicinal plants as a source of novel autoimmune-modulating and anti-inflammatory drugproducts. Front. Pharmacol., https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.978581. 申请及授权国家专利 1) 何祥久, 滕慧梅, 曾小斌, 蒋晨光, 景运条, 黄有带. 羟基黄烷类化合物及其用途.授权时间: 2011, 11, 09. 授权国别: 中国. 专利号: ZL.201010152624. (已授权). 2) 何祥久, 滕慧梅, 曾小斌, 蒋晨光, 景运条, 黄有带. 一种酚类化合物及其用途. 授权时间: 2011, 11, 30. 授权国别: 中国. 专利号: ZL.201010190029. (已授权). 3) 何祥久, 滕慧梅, 曾小斌, 蒋晨光, 景运条, 黄有带. 酚类化合物及其用途. 授权时间: 2013, 01, 09. 授权国别: 中国. 专利号: ZL.201010190037. (已授权). 4) 李晓帆, 李玲, 曾小斌, 王乃利, 何祥久. 三萜化合物及其制备方法和应用. 申请日期: 2012, 05, 14. 专利号: ZL.201210148391. (已授权). 5) 李文德, 吴科锋, 黄韧, 曾小斌, 刘德承. 黄皮果提取物及其在制备用于防治阿尔茨海默病药物中的应用. 申请日期: 2014, 12, 01. 专利号: ZL.2014107123290. (已授权). 6) 曾小斌, 唐旭东, 王雪艳, 龚忠勤, 周满茹. 高良姜地上部分挥发油的制备方法及用途. 授权日期: 2018, 09, 11. 专利号: ZL.201510068317.3. (已授权). 7) 曾小斌, 葛岚岚, 万浩强, 肖凌云, 李洁媚, 吴伟刚, 周伯平, 吴诗品. 一种单萜类化合物及其提取方法和应用. 授权日期:2020, 05, 29. 专利号:ZL.201910054695.4. (已授权). 8) 曾小斌,葛岚岚,万浩强,李洁媚,张柯达,吴伟刚,邹小停,吴诗品,周伯平. 咖啡酰奎宁酸类化合物的提取方法及其产物和应用.授权日期:2021, 01, 27. 专利号:ZL.201810785742.8. (已授权). 9) 曾小斌, 葛岚岚, 江园园, 谢秋杰, 李阳芳, 缪雨阳. 四种环烯醚萜苷类化合物及其制备方法. 授权日期:2023, 03, 28. 专利号:ZL.20211105390.5. (已授权). 10)曾小斌,肖凌云,梁曙,江程,葛岚岚,万浩强,吴伟刚,周伯平. 一种具有缓解非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的中药组合物及其制备方法和产品. 授权日期:2021, 08, 18. 申请号:ZL.201910632010.X. (已授权). 11)曾小斌, 葛岚岚, 万浩强, 刘晓倩, 姚杰, 肖凌云, 缪雨阳, 刘晨霄, 江园园, 谢秋杰, 欧宝如. 一种具有新奇骨架的聚合裂环环烯醚萜苷类化合物及其制备方法和应用. 授权日 期:2022, 02, 23. 申请号:ZL.202110206809.X. (已授权). 12)曾小斌, 李华英, 万浩强, 李洁媚, 葛兰兰, 朱富强, 周伯平. 一种苯醌类化合物及其制备方法与其在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用. 专利授权号:ZL.201810098900.2. 授权日期: 2022, 05, 19. 13)曾小斌, 葛兰兰, 李华英, 朱富强, 李洁媚, 万浩强, 周伯平, 吴诗品. 一种双黄酮类化合物及其制备方法与应用. 专利授权号:ZL.201810098902.1. 授权日期: 2022, 05, 19. 14)曾小斌, 万浩强, 刘晓倩, 姚杰, 葛岚岚, 肖凌云, 缪雨阳, 刘晨霄, 江园园, 谢秋杰, 欧宝 如 . 一 种 小 分 子 化 合 物金 银 花 双 黄 酮 Japoflavone D 的应用. 专利授权号:ZL.202110206247.9. 授权日期: 2022, 06, 28. 15)何祥久, 刘湘林, 曾小斌. 一种中药染发剂及其制备方法. 专利号: 201010149217. 申请日期: 2010, 04, 13. 16)曾小斌, 巫鑫, 汪阳, 崔燎, 吴铁, 朱宇珍, 苏艳杰, 郑雅园. 高良姜地上部分AO-95制备方法及其对癌症的治疗作用. 专利号: 201310169242.9. 申请日期: 2013,05,15. 17)崔燎, 曾小斌, 何祥久, 汪阳, 吴铁, 巫鑫, 朱宇珍, 苏艳杰, 郑雅园. 一个黄烷类化合物及其用途. 专利号: 201310169231.0. 申请日期: 2013, 05, 15. 18)曾小斌, 唐旭东, 王雪艳, 曾勇, 曾金平, 黄育冰. 一种从柏树中提取红松内酯的方法. 专利号: 201610206765.X. 申请日期: 2016, 04, 05. 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主办:北京益生堂医学研究院 北京国医融媒体联盟


运营维护:国医融媒体运营发展中心 北京央地传媒
